From Zed Wiki


Alpha stage

I have found a game bug, what do I do?

If you find a game bug or think you have, report via the report bug feature in game or in the Discord server and we’ll check this over with you.

Can family members from same household play?

As we are in Alpha stage there’s no rules implemented around multi accounts / interactions yet. But this will be updated as the game progresses.

Where can I find my game ID?

On the city page in survivors. Either look through the list or use the search box.

Cant find the questions or answers I’m looking for!

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, head to the forum page and create a post or visit the Discord server and ask there. The Staff’s will answer when available unless a player knows the answer to help you.

Sorry nothing here… go back

This isn’t an error if you’re seeing this, it just means that the feature is unavailable currently.

Information panel

What does Morale do?

Morale currently boosts the Gym gains. We will be making Morale effect more in game.

How can I fulfil Energy & Rad Immunity bars?

Energy regenerates +5 every 15 minutes, Rad Immunity regenerates +1 every 5 minutes. You can take consumables found in-game that will help regain these besides waiting on timers.

How do I gain Experience?

Experience is gained through committing scavenge actions, completing quest objectives, working out in gym, winning battles. The more Experience gained you will level up.

How do I earn money?

Well, we didn’t really add that much in yet. So, you can sell items dropped by Zed after a successful Hunt, items found out scavenging, items crafted at you bench or furnace. That's about it for time being.

How do I heal?

Life points are regenerated over time, you can see the statistics in your Medical Bay. You can use medical items to heal instantly.

What is cooldown?

Cooldown is where a user must wait for a period before they can commit an action again i.e. taking consumables, Committing raids etc.

How do I upload Avatar?

You can upload your avatar via profile settings. To find settings it is at top right corner of the page (PC & Mobile Users).

Can I change my email / password?

Emails & passwords can be updated in profile settings. Please remember not to share your details with anybody else!

What will give me more xp to level up faster?

You can gain 4 xp per 5 energy spent in the gym or 20 xp per 25 energy spent on one hunt. But the xp you gain is not a given. So, the choice is yours.


Where do I find the items need to use on the crafting bench?

You can purchase some items in ‘Junk Store’, e.g. Logs, Scrap, Nails & Iron Bar. Also, items can be found while scavenging in all four areas. Zed will drop extra items from time to time as well.


How often do the Faction Ranks update?

The faction Ranks update every hour.

What do the + numbers mean by my name, when I join the Farm or distillery?

This is the boost. As you gain skills in the farm or distillery, the amount of boost you give to the production of items increases. Boost equals time saved. It will be possible to upgrade the farm and distillery in future, to allow more players to join. The maximum number of players will be five. Also, in the future player activity will be taken into consideration. If a player is inactive, then their boosts will not have any effect on the farm or distillery etc. (inactive, as in not online for 48hours).

How do I farm?

You can farm by using the seeds gained from Faction raids, scavenge. You will need to add seeds to faction storage before you can begin the farming process.

How I do brew beer?

Once you’ve successfully farmed the seeds they will turn into an item for example, Barley & Wheat. If you have these in storage you can then visit the distillery and brew these.

How do I see my faction's or my respect?

Visit the city page> Factions you will see list of faction names including faction respect.

What is the maximum faction size?

At the moment it is 20 players this may be upgraded in the future.

What are the cool down times for each raid type?

53 minutes for a farm raid, 5 hours for a hospital raid and 20 hours for a store raid.

How can I improve my farm and distillery skill level?

Faction tab>base tab, then chick either the farm or distillery and push the join button. If there isn’t a spot open ask your faction leader if you can take the place, of the person already there.

There is thread in my faction store, but I can’t take it out. Are we going to be able to remove items in the future?

Yes, items will be accessible in the future This feature has not been added yet!

I want to join a faction. Where will I find a list of the factions and if they have places?

City>Factions (under ‘West’). You’ll find a list of the available factions, and how many members they contain. You can also make your own faction by clicking on the green button top right-hand side labelled ‘create fraction’.

How do I leave a faction?

Return to the city, go West to factions, find yours and press the red 'leave faction' button (Top right-hand corner).

Which raid should I choose?

That all depends on your level of time online. Here's a good guide: -
ONLINE: 2 person farm raid (1 hour cool down),
ASLEEP/AT WORK: 3 person hospital raid (5 hour cool down),
AFK/24 hr OFFLINE: 4-person store raid (20 hour cool down).

How do I deposit items into the faction store?

Faction tab> Base button> Click on store> Add items, then choose the item you want to add and how many. You can only add one sort of item at a time.


How often does the hall of fame update?

The hall of fame updates every hour.


What are boosters?

Boosters are items in the game that can help you gain more Energy, Rad Immunity, Health & Morale. Each Booster item will have a cooldown period before you can use them again.

What is Mutations?

Mutations are special boosters that will give you unique effects in the game. More will be explained once implemented.


I’m new to the game, where do I start?

Doing the quests will help you gain valuable experience and teach you the basics. In the future, you will receive items upon completing a quest or section of the quest.


What happens if I lose a fight?

You don’t die. You become temporarily injured for a moment then your health will restart from low.

Do I have to create account if I die?

No characters die in this game, so you won’t need to make a new account or lose any progress made.

How do i get stronger in fights?

Using energy to train in the gym is the best way to be more effective in combat and making sure you have the best weapon available. Some mutations and consumables are available which may temporarily boost your gym stats.

What is Zed Juice?

Zed juice is gained by killing Zed’s in hunting. This will be used to trade / craft mutations later in the game.


What is Explore?

Explore allows users to travel to various locations in the game. There will be more locations added in the future.

How do I collect or gain fuel?

Fuel hasn’t been added into the game yet.


What is the Luck perk?

Luck Perk Increase chances of finding better items in game.

How do I earn skill points?

Skill Points are earned each time you level up, gaining 1 Skill Point per level.