
From Zed Wiki

Learn more about your Faction and the various actions you can do here.

So, what exactly is a faction?

It’s a group of like-minded people working towards a common goal. In this case becoming the number one faction on the factions list, in the West of the city and gaining the most respect from raiding various locations. While receiving items for your trouble.
Okay, putting your competitive streak aside. There's a little more to factions than that. It’s about making new friends, renewing acquaintances and cooperation. Because without each other raids can’t be completed, respect gained, and resources collected. The farm and distillery run slower without member input.

Joining a faction

Factions can be found on the city page, under West. You'll find a list of factions with the number of members' slots available beside their name. Joining is as simple as clicking the join button and waiting for a response from the leader. Or conversely you can make your own faction by clicking on the green button, top right-hand side labelled ‘create fraction’.


Additional information along the very top.

  • Rank, in order of most respect gained through completed raids.
  • Number, of members
  • Respect, earned by doing one of the three raids.


Your faction starts with a leader and one member place holder. With each upgrade you add two more member slots until you reach 20 members. The required number of resources also increases logs, nails, and iron bars etc.

You’ll find a list of members, their roles within the faction and Level. If you’re the leader, you’ll additionally have the option to manage members here.

For the time being a limit of 20 members is in effect, this may be upgraded in the future..


Items contributed by members will appear here and are divided into seven subcategories. Items are deposited by going into the store tab, clicking the ‘add items’ button and selecting the item you wish to donate. You can only add one kind of item at a time.

At the moment only the leader has the ability to withdraw items. Members' access will be a later addition to the game.


A patch of slightly fertile soil in a somewhat overgrown world, where the weeds will grow knee-high without our intervention. Here we grow Barley Seeds into Barley for the production of beer. You will need to add seeds to faction storage before you can begin the farming process.

  • Barley (Resource), takes 1 hour to grow and required, 1x Barley Seeds. This will produce 1x Barley.

More items will be added in future updates.

Barley Seeds are found while scavenging or during raids.


The source of all the cities alcoholics. Okay, so that's not quite true. Beer a much-desired source of both income, and a booster to Rad Immunity. Once you’ve successfully grown Barley on the BASE farm, you can brew beer.

  • Beer (Alcohol, Consumable), takes 1 hour to brew and required, 1x Barley. This will produce 1x Bottle of Beer. Effect: Increases Rad Immunity by 1 and booster cooldown by 1 hour.

More items will be added in future updates.


There are three raids to choose from. It’s worth bearing in mind the cooldown relating to each raid, respect gained, and items recovered.

You can set up a raid yourself or join your fellow members on a raid by viewing the raid and then clicking ‘join’. Once there are enough participants, the raid can be completed. You will then receive a notification of the items you recovered.

  • Farm, group of two members per raid of this type. Cooldown is 1 hour between raids. Example of items recovered: Barley Seeds, Dirty Water, Scarp, and Water.
  • Hospital, group of three members per raid of this type. Cooldown is 5 hours between raids. Example of items recovered: Dirty Water, Scrap, Bandages, Med Kit, and Small Med Kit.
  • Store, group of four members per raid of this type. Cooldown is 20 hours between raids. Example of items recovered: Scrap, Canned Food, Carp, e-Cola, Perch, and Vodka.

Barley Seeds can only be used in the making of beer at the moment.


Here you'll find an itemised list of the factions activities. These include deposits made by members, deposits from the farm and distillery, and any completed raids. As well as deposits there are withdraws listed.