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Revision as of 12:42, 27 April 2023 by Jennie (talk | contribs)
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So, we still have a few Zeds inhabiting the city and this is your chance to help us remove them permanently.


Hunting will cost you 25 energy per time, morale is used, and experience is gained through successful hunts. You’ll find six distinct locations to hunt zeds. Going from top, left to bottom right in order of the weakest to strongest. You might want to train a bit in your stronghold gym before you meet, you’re first Zed in the arcade. Consumables are available which may temporarily boost your gym stats.

  • Arcade,
  • Shopping Mall,
  • Restaurant,
  • Cinema,
  • Warehouse,
  • Wasteland.

Here is a play-by-play of how your first attack might go if you win. Choose the hunting tab, select the arcade, press the green hunt button and we’re off. The page will then change. On it you’ll find your life bar to the left with your in-game name and that of the Zeds placed to the right. The weapon you are equipped with and a blue attack button in the middle of the screen, below is the fight log. So, let's start by pressing that all important ‘attack’ button. You attack in turn, you are first. A box will appear under your life bar saying either you missed or the damage the zed received. The same will happen after every attack, this then moves to the fight log. Next is the Zed, the same type of box appears but you’ll notice the colour has changed. Green for you and red for Zed. When the fight is over win or lose a new page presents itself. Items gained are now at the top of the page, your name on the right again VS the type of Zed you fought and the outcome, fight log reminds bottom. You gain XP for successful Zed hunting and this all helps you to level up over time.

But what if you lose?

Don’t worry, you don’t die or lose any progress made in the game. You become temporarily injured, your life bar will be empty and need to be regenerated over time, you can see the statistics in your Medical Bay. Or if you can’t wait that long, you can always heal yourself by purchasing a bandage or two from Zed Mart, take one from your inventory or make it at your Crafting Bench, if you have the items needed on hand. Removing medical items from the faction store will become available in a future update.

What is Zed Juice?

Zed juice is gained by killing Zed’s while hunting. At the moment you can sell Zed Juice to the Junk Store or save it until the release of an update, where Zed juice will become the main ingredients in crafting mutations. Mutations will be both a consumable and tradable.